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Daisy Video


DAISY AI Time:2023-12-11 Browse:

DAISY GLOBAL CALL December 10th:

This is a MUST VIEW corporate update.
What is happening with the Endotech project where you have your LAST chance to add contributions and add people to benefit from the Endotech project. How YOU can benefit from the NEW project launching Feb 21 by building your Daisy community NOW 
DAISY Crowd Funding for Endotech comes to a close!
 We have reached all of our crowd funding targets!
- No further contributions will be possible as of February 21st - All members will continue to benefit from the amazing trading performance 
- All unilevel rewards and bonus pools will continue to payout with no interruption
- The goal is on Sept 1st, 2024, to allow only existing members to have access to add  contributions to the Fund, after the licensing and registration is completed
- Members will have the option to withdraw all contributions used in live trading, but  doing so will also terminate their access to any further rewards or contributions

DAISY Global is a disruptive crowd funding model for financial technologies, a trusted Crypto & Forex AI trading platform with broad prospects and development potential, The underlying technology is provided. DAISY Global is A Crowdfunding smart contract that offers profits, equity and income to every member.=>【Click Here to Join Now】

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