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Daisy Global Info

Please understand that this is a Crowdfunding

DAISY AI Time:2021-09-14 Browse:

Please understand that this is a Crowdfunding. You’re not only getting 50-70% (depending on your tiers) into trading. You also get pre-IPO shares of Endotech free of charge and Matrix Bonus Tier 1 for all 10 generations without referring one single new member. I got several people in my organization that are already break even only because of the Tier 1 Matrix Bonus.
Also, please take into account that the trading fund is for testing and development purposes of the new Daisy AI. Over 50 Strategies have been implemented so far. Please also consider the API issues that Binance caused for Sub-Accounts recently. Not sure what this currently means for the Daisy Trading fund, but it has just been announced on the Endotech blog that Binance sub accounts will be supported again soon.
Finally, please be aware of that there is a chance that once the new Daisy AI is finished, the Trading funds will go into a hedge fund and might be able to withdraw again, even though this is a Crowdfunding.
And last but not least, there are several VIPs at Daisy, who now have direct access to individual trading strategies from Endotech in their own account with full control of their funds. This is the first time ever that Endotech offers direct accounts to retails investors. This has never been done before.
Taking all these points into accounts, Daisy is the best Crowdfunding model I have ever seen 

DAISY Global is a disruptive crowd funding model for financial technologies, a trusted Crypto & Forex AI trading platform with broad prospects and development potential, The underlying technology is provided. DAISY Global is A Crowdfunding smart contract that offers profits, equity and income to every member.=>【Click Here to Join Now】

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